• some image JohnSmith 7.4
  • The Aether Aether Mod
  • Mo' Creatures Mo' Creatures


[1.8] News: New lighting, creative mode, endermen and more!


Here are the updates Notch presented @ PAX.

Creative Mode:
In this mode the player takes no damage, can fly (Yay!), can control day/night cicle and he can spawn infite items ... we will miss you toomanyitems :(

New Lighting Engine: 
Day/Nitght transition is much smoother
Torches and glostone generate their own type of  light and color
Brightness is now adjustable

Hunger bar
The player heals slower when hungry
More types of meat added
Eating animation

Experience bar
Monsters drop experience orbs
Get skill points which are useless at this moment

New combat system
Bows can be charged for additional damage
Critical hits from jumps or semi-randomly from charged bow shots
Ability to sprint. Hitting mobs while sprinting knoks them back.


This guy is peaceful .. untill you look at him. After that he teleports behind you when you look somewhere else and ... yea you're pretty much dead :D

Villages and NPCs
Rivers and oceans
Larger biomes
New animation for explosions

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[1.7.3] Minecraft Romanian Language Pack Update 1.2


Here is the romanian translation I made for Minecraft.
So... since it's a romanian translation I'll post the installation instructions in the same language.

Descarca v1.2 (Recomandat) (Modificari in meniuri, achievements si suport pentru BetterTranslationMod)
v1.2.1 traducere extinsa pentru BetterTranslationMod / v1.2 pentru Minecraft initial

Descarca v1.1 (Corectare mici greseli)
Descarca v1 

1. Descarca language pack-ul dorit (vezi link-urile de mai sus)
2. Deschide arhiva descarcata
3. Mergi la Start > Run sau apasa Windows key + R
4. Scrie %appdata% si apasa enter
5. Cauta folderul .minecraft apoi folderul bin apoi minecraft.jar
6. Il deschizi cu winrar / winzip sau arhivatorul tau preferat si mergi la folderul bin
7. inapoi la arhiva descarcata mai devreme - Selecteaza fisierele si fa Drag & Drop (arunca-le :D) in folderul lang din minecraft.jar
8. Ruleaza Minecraft
9. Doneaza daca ti-am fost de ajutor

Va rog sa postati pe forum sau aici eventualele greseli pe care le gasiti

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[1.7.3] BetterTranslationMod 0.993


BetterTranslationMod by FIX94 allows you to edit menus, loading screens and object dialogs text. These can't be edited from en_US.lang file so if you want to make a translation this mod is pretty useful.

How to install:
1. Download BetterTranslationMod from minecraftforum.net or use this link
2. Open minecraft.jar (if you don't know how to do this click this link)
3. Drag & drop the files from the archive you downloaded to minecraft.jar

4. Drag & drop your language pack files in .minecraft.jar\lang. I'm using my own romanian translation
5. Delete META-INF folder if you haven't already
6. Play!
7. Donate if you find my work useful (Note: I am not the creator of this mod)

Things you should know:
You must add the following lines in en_US.lang

guiIngameMenu.quit=Save and quit to title
guiIngameMenu.back=Back to game
guiIngameMenu.save=Saving level..
guiIngameMenu.gameMenu=Game menu

guiGameOver.title=Title menu
guiGameOver.gameOver=Game over!
guiGameOver.score=Score: &e

world.generate=Generating level
world.load=Loading level
world.convert=Converting World to
world.takeawhile=This may take a while :o
world.build=Building terrain
world.simulate=Simulating world for a bit

world.savechunks=Saving chunks
world.savelevel=Saving level


chest.large=Large Chest


portal.enter=Entering the Nether
portal.leave=Leaving the Nether



sign.edit=Edit sign message:

screen.saved=Saved screenshot as
screen.failed=Failed to save:

skin.look=The default look of Minecraft

menu.nodistribute=Do not distribute.

memory.used=Used memory:
memory.allocated=Allocated memory:
memory.chunkupdates=chunk updates

jukebox.play=Now playing

connect.to=Connecting to

menu.splashes.birthdayez=Happy birthday, ez!
menu.splashes.birthdaynotch=Happy birthday, Notch!
menu.splashes.xmas=Merry X-mas!
menu.splashes.newyear=Happy new year!

unlicensed.copy=Unlicensed Copy
unlicensed.location=Or logged in from another location
unlicensed.purchase=Purchase at


gui.outofmemory1=Out of memory!
gui.outofmemory2=Minecraft has run out of memory.
gui.outofmemory3=This could be caused by a bug in the game or by the
gui.outofmemory4=Java Virtual Machine not being allocated enough
gui.outofmemory5=memory. If you are playing in a web browser, try
gui.outofmemory6=downloading the game and playing it offline.
gui.outofmemory7=To prevent level corruption, the current game has quit.
gui.outofmemory8=Please restart the game.

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iDNCraft Adventure Map early preview


This is an sneak peek of my first project, an adventure map. It doesn't have a name yet but I have a few ideas.
There will  be a big city and a lot of different structures. (The buildings that you can see above will be some of the smallest). Since just buildings are not enough for an adventure, I already have a story, and quests.

More details coming ... not too soon :D

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[1.7.3] Mo' Creatures 2.12.2


If you feel lonely or just want more creatures in Minecraft here's the solution: DrZhark's Mo' Creatures Mod

New crafting recipes and items
New creatures like mountable horses, tamable kitties, sharks, dolphins, tigers, lions
and bears, birds, deers, rats, ogres plus a few more

On YouTube:
Yogscast Sneak peek of kitties: http://youtu.be/cj32huxbzlg
Deer and BigCats: http://youtu.be/KL5mrOlpInw

How to install:
1. Download Mo' Creatures Mod from minecraftforum.net or just follow DrZhark's link
2. Download and install ModLoader and AudioMod if you haven't already (if you don't know how to do this click this link)
3. Download Lahwran's GUI Api from minecraftforum.net or this link and install it:
3.1 Open minecraft.jar (if you don't know how to do this click this link)
3.2 Drag and drop the files from GUI Api archive here

4. Extract Mo' Creatures archive in your minecraft folder
5. Run Minecraft
6. Donate if you find my work useful (Note: I am not the creator of this mod)

Things you should know:
For the complete list of crafting recipes and more info fisit minecraftforums.net thread
You can customize spawn limits, difficulty and other settings for creatures in options

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[1.8] News: Rivers in next update


According to Notch's twitter, there will be rivers in 1.8 update. That is all we know about it at this moment but the image looks pretty nice.

source: minecraftforum.net

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[1.7.3] Multi-use Doors 1.1


Ever felt that the two doors in minecraft are not enough? Yep, me too, Evandela too, so she made Multi-use Doors mod.
One of the best things in this mod is the Diagonal door if you ask me but there is much more. Check out the minecraftforum.net thread for recipes and more info, or the Mod review below, made by Drascoll.

1. Download Multi-use Doors from minecraftforum.net or this download link.
2. Download and install ModLoader if you haven't already (if you don't know how to do this click this link)
3. Open .minecraft folder (if you don't know how to do this click this link) then Mods folder (if you don't have this folder make it)
4. Put the downloaded archive here
5. Play!
6. Donate if you find my work useful (Note: I am not the creator of this mod)

Things you should know:
Most of the doors' textures can be customized

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